Are you a leader who drives the bus or do you join the passengers and enjoy the ride?
Read MoreAre you a leader who drives the bus or do you join the passengers and enjoy the ride?
Read MoreLeadership in whatever setting can be invigorating, stressful or transformative. What type of leader are you and have you changed your leadership style over time?
Read MoreIs the pedagogy of listening, forgotten in times of busyness, transitions and routines?
Read MoreWhat qualities do we need to be seen as knowledgeable, and do we need to feel the need to be clever in the eyes of others?
Read MoreIf we knew how our lives would pan out, then when would we learn about surprise and how to deal with the unknown or unexpected.
Read MoreAs early childhood professionals we often have to be uncomfortable, especially when questioning our own preconceived ideas of how things should be. This is my reflection of working in a diverse setting, encountering things I had never experienced before.
Read MoreDuring stage 4 lockdown Classrooms were no longer a hive of activity and many children had to leave a sense of normality to learn from home.
Read MoreHow do we look deeply to identify learning, rather than simply reciting from a list of outcomes ?
Read MoreNever stop questioning the norm, there is a reason curiosity exists.
Read MoreOur work with children offers many opportunities to bring about change. Social Justice is very present in our curriculum, even though it may not be written in ink.
Read MorePedagogical documentation is collaborative, and we all share in its rewards of fulfillment, understanding and continued growth.
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